Achintya Srivastava
Joined 2021
Born and brought up in Prayagraj, I have done my B.Sc. in Zoology from BHU, Varanasi, and M.Sc. in Life sciences from JNU, New Delhi. With an obsession with neuroscience since time immemorial, I joined this lab and am currently interested in development and functioning of upper-layer cortical neurons. My hobbies include consuming media and exploring places.
Adityo Chaudhury
Joined 2024
After finishing my masters from IISER Thiruvananthapuram, I joined TIFR Mumbai to explore developmental neurobiology and am currently trying my hands on specifying midline derived neurons using different transcriptomic approaches and getting lost at making head and tails of what the field is on about. In my free time, I like to dabble a little in badminton or cricket or volleyball or table tennis or you'd find me running like a lunatic in the nearby navy stadium. I also like to engage with anyone who is passionate about anything but biology and am a self proclaimed expert guitarist (capable of playing exactly one song that too poorly).
Amrita Singh
Integrated MSc-PhD
Joined 2019
Armed with a BSc in Zoology from Kolkata and some undergrad experience in field biology, I followed my love for animals, the brain and behaviour to join STole lab as an Integrated MSc-PhD student in 2019. In the lab, I discovered a love for coding, and I’m currently leveraging bioinformatic analyses along with wet lab techniques to study patterning at the dorsal midline. After work hours, if I'm not out stargazing at the TIFR seaface, you'll likely find me engrossed in my sketchbook or the latest sci-fi novel.
Anasua Mandal
Joined 2022
Majoring in Zoology with a Bachelor's from Scottish Church College, Kolkata, and a Master's from Banaras Hindu University, I have always had a passion for genetics, evolution, and developmental biology. What piqued my interest in neuroscience was the inherent complexity of how the brain develops and functions, and how concerted the whole process is. All roads eventually led me to join this lab as a PhD scholar in 2022. When not in the lab talking about the brain, one can usually find me watching food videos or with my nose in a fantasy fiction.
Dr. Archana Iyer
Joined 2017
How we perceive the world and react is a result of how our brain is wired. I am fascinated by how the developing brain achieves immense complexity capable of performing diverse functions. This interest led me to pursue a Master’s degree in Neuroscience from Sophia College (Mumbai) where I learnt different aspects of neuroscience with model systems ranging from drosophila to cell lines to zebrafish. I then did my PhD at the University of Trento (Italy) examining how microRNAs regulate neuronal wiring in the frog visual system. I returned back to India and joined Tole lab where I examine cortical neuron and glial development currently as a DST INSPIRE fellow.
Jahnavi Hiremath
Dissertation Student
Joined 2024
After studying in VIT-V I joined the lab for master thesis project. The developmental biology aspect of scientific investigations carried out in the lab fascinate me. When not trying to wrap my head around neuroscience, I'm wrapping my head around neuroscience.
Janani Abirami Sriram
Integrated MSc-PhD
Joined 2024
Having completed a BSc BEd from Azim Premji University, I have joined the ST lab to explore my interests in development and neurobiology. When not in the lab, you can find me catching up on the latest TTRPG handbooks and fantasy novels, reading linguistics and listening to music in different languages.
Parama Mitra
Joined 2023
Born and brought up in Kolkata, I have done my Masters (5 years-Integrated) in Biotechnology from St. Xavier's College, Kolkata. My passion for solving the molecular mysteries of the brain has led me to join the STole lab as a graduate student in 2023. When not doing science, I find my peace in dance, music and audio stories.
Radhika Dharap
Project Student
Joined 2024
I completed my Bachelors with a dual major in Life Science and Biochemistry from St.Xavier's College, Mumbai. I joined STole lab in 2024 to explore deeper into my interests in neurobiology. Prior to joining STole lab, I worked as a research assistant at the Motor Neuroscience and Rehabilitation Technology Lab at IIT Bombay. Apart from science, I enjoy going out on treks and photography.
Writawrik Bhattacharya
Integrated MSc-PhD
Joined 2024
I’m originally from Kolkata, India, where my love for science took root. I earned my Bachelor’s in Microbiology from Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Centenary College, and I’ve been hooked on genetics and epigenetics ever since! In the lab, I dive into the fascinating developmental mysteries of the mammalian brain. Outside of work, you’ll find me playing the violin, writing poetry, indulging in delicious food, or snapping photos of everyday life.
Former Post Doctoral researchers (came from; current position)
(F) Dr. Mansi Srivastava (PhD CSIR- CCMB, Hyderabad)
(M) Dr. Sreenath Ravindran (PhD InStem, Bangalore)
(F) Dr. Nidhi Saikhedkar (PhD CSIR National Chemical Laboratory, Pune; Science Writer at JoVE)
(F) Dr. Shiona Biswas (PhD U. Rochester, USA; DBS Visiting Fellow 2019-2021)
(F) Dr. Mallika Chatterjee (PhD U. Conn, USA; Wellcome-DBT Early Career Fellow 2013; faculty at Amity University, New Delhi, India)
(F) Dr. M. Bhavana (PhD- NCCS, India; Wellcome-DBT Early Career Fellow 2011; junior faculty, InStem, Bangalore, India)
(F) Dr. Geeta Godbole (PhD- NIRRH, India; Wellcome-DBT Early Career Fellow 2012; Scientist at CIPLA)
(F) Dr. Swetha Godavarthi (PhD- NBRC, India; post doc, Salk Institute; Project Scientist at UCSD)
(F) Dr. Nandini Gokulchandran (MD-Nagpur Medical College; Dep. Director, Neurogen, Mumbai)
(F) Dr. Vishakha Mangale (PhD- NIRR, Mumbai; COO and Co-Founder, Omix Research, Banglore)
(M) Dr. Alfredo Socorro (PhD- ULL, Spain)
(M) Dr. Ben Martynoga (PhD- U. Edinburgh, UK)
(F) Dr. Malini Sathanoori (Associate Director, Clinical Cytogenetics, PathGroup, Nashville, USA)
Former Students (current position)
(F) Mahima Bose (PhD 2024; postdoc at UCSF)
(M) Varun Suresh (PhD 2023; postdoc at UCSF)
(M) Arpan Parichha (PhD 2023; Faculty at CSIR-IGIB, Delhi)
(F) Suranjana Pal (PhD 2019; postdoc at Washington University St. Louis, USA)
(M) Ashwin Shetty (PhD 2013; postdoc at Harvard University)
(F) Achira Roy (PhD 2013; postdoc at U. Washington; faculty position at JNCASR, Bangalore)
(M) Dhananjay Huilgol (PhD 2012; postdoc at CSHL; Sr. Res. Assoc., Duke University)
(F) Anindita Sarkar (PhD 2012; postdoc at Salk Institute)
(F) Lakshmi Subramanian (PhD 2008; postdoc at UCSF)
(M) Hari Padmanabhan (PhD 2008; postdoc at Harvard Medical School; working with Biotech company)
(M) Bhaskar Saha (PhD 2006; postdoc at INSERM France, Faculty at St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai)
(F) Debarpita Datta (MSc 2024; PhD student at Johns Hopkins University)
(F) Ishita Talwar (MSc 2024; PhD student at LMU Munich)
(F) Prachi Bhatia (MSc 2024; scientifc writing)
(F) Urvi MIshra (MSc 2022; PhD student at Boston University)
(F) Tuli Pramanik (MSc 2020; PhD student at U. Texas)
(F) Zeba Khatri (MSc 2017; scientific writer and editor)
(F) Basabdatta Roy (MSc 2016)
(F) Upasana Maheshwari (MSc 2014; PhD student at FMI, Basel; postdoc at University Hospital Zurich)
(F) Neha Rajadhyaksha (MSc 2009)
(F) Dhananjay Chaturvedi (MSc 2008; PhD student at U. Texas, Dallas; postdoc at NCBS Bangalore)
(M) R.V. Satyaki (MSc 2007; PhD student in Cornell University; postdoc at Whitehead Institute)
(F) Aditi Falnikar (MSc 2006; PhD student in Drexel University; postdoc in Columbia University)
(F) Mugdha Deshpande (MSc 2006; PhD student in U. Texas, Austin)
(M) Ryan Remedios (MSc 2005; PhD MPI, Tuebingen; at Caltech; Faculty at Helmholtz Zentrum, Munich)
(F) Vanisha Lakhina (MSc 2004; PhD student in University of Pennsylvania; postdoc at Princeton University; Medical Director, ProHealth, New York)
(F) Lakshmi Subramanian (MSc 2004; PhD 2008, TIFR; post doc at UCSF)
(F) Aditee Vyas (MSc 2002; PhD 2006, IGBMC, France; Research Scientist at Nicholas Piramal, Mumbai)
(F) Sarada Bulchand (MSc 2002; PhD, postdoc at TLL, Singapore; Faculty at Duke-NUS Singapore)